Centre Championship

Cheshire Centre Championship Regulations


The purpose of this document is to outline the regulations for running the Cheshire and North Wales Trials Centre Championship. The Cheshire and North Wales Centre (CNW Centre) is the region as directed by the Auto Cycle Union (ACU)
This document will not cover specific rules that are covered under the ACU Trials Standing Regulations.


All riders willing to participate must register for the championship.
Registrations will be accepted through the CNW Centre Website (www.cnwtrials.org.uk) or via Email to the Centre Secretary cnw.secretary@gmail.com

Link to registration form

Points will be awarded to riders who have completed a championship registration form and been received by the centre trial recorder before the start of the championship. A rider may also enter the championship at any point during the season if a completed registration form is received by the recorder within one calendar week of the event they wish to be considered for points, but overall championship points will only accumulate from that event


The following classes are available: Adults:

Expert Intermediate Novice
Over 40 Over 40+

Youth: Youth A Youth B Youth C Youth D

Youth Classes are as determined by ACU TSR.1


The following conditions must be met to be eligible for the rider to compete the in Championship or for the Championship to be run

1. Riders must reside within the boundaries of the Cheshire and North Wales Centre . OR be affiliated with a CNW Club for more than 3 years.

2. There must be at least 4 riders in the class for that particular Category to be run


Grades are to be determined from the initial entry of the CNW Championship from date 27th December 2023. After this point the Centre Recorder will document the rider and issue upgrades as required.

The following rules will apply to upgrading and only to the CNW Championship

Novice to Intermediate
To be upgraded one month after winning the Seventh ‘Best Novice Award’ where there are at least Seven riders in the class, irrespective of the period of time between awards or after winning the Novice Centre Championship

Intermediate to Expert
To be upgraded one month after winning his Seventh ‘Best Intermediate Award’ where there are at least Seven riders in the class (excluding Team Trial), irrespective of the period of time between awards or after winning the Intermediate Centre Championship

Centre Championship riders to be allowed to continue as prior upgrading in these events to the end of the year

A rider who competes in a higher class will be considered to have upgraded himself and may not revert to the lower class at any future event

The following rules will apply to downgrading:

The rider (themselves) has to request this downgrading in writing or email to the Centre Recorder. A rider who is downgraded may compete for the lower award immediately, but not receive points in the Centre Championship for 12 months.

General Rules

  1. Method of marking shall be TRS.22A (Stop Allowed)
  2. Points to be awarded as per the Table 1.
  3. After Registration any rider entering the championship event will be considered forpoints in the class they entered
  4. At the conclusion of the series, the points for each rider’s performance from all therounds held less one will be added together and the rider with the highest number ofpoints to their credit will be the winner
  5. Ties will be resolved in the following manner.
    1. In favour of the rider with the greatest number of wins in all rounds
    2. If not resolved then the greatest number of second places and so on down to 15th place in all rounds
    3. IF not resolved the rider with the best performance in the final event will be the winner.


The championship winners name will be added to the Centre Championship Trophy and will be awarded a replica trophy.

Riders placing in second will also receive a Trophy Award.